Early Career Teachers

We recognise that at the start of your teaching career, it’s particularly important that you have access to the support you need.

As an ECT in a WMAT Trust school you can expect to benefit from:

  • A designated Induction Tutor, who will provide day-to-day monitoring and support, and co-ordinate your assessments.
  • A designated Induction Mentor, who will provide regular structured mentoring sessions and targeted feedback.
  • Observations of your teaching at regular intervals, and follow-up discussions with prompt and constructive feedback.
  • Regular professional reviews of your progress, to take place termly (except in terms where formal assessment is held), at which your Induction Tutor will review objectives and revise them in relation to the relevant standards and your current needs and strengths.
  • Opportunities to observe experienced teachers, either within the school or at another school with effective practice.
  • A reduced timetable to allow you to undertake activities in your induction programme; no more than 90% of the timetable of our existing teachers on the main pay range in your first year, and no more than 95% in your second year.
  • Regularly teaching the same class or classes.
  • Taking part in similar planning, teaching and assessment processes to other teachers working in similar posts.

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